Moving house is stressful at the best of times. When you are in a real hurry to get things done, it can be a nightmare. In a perfect world, you’d have ample time to prepare for any move that you have to make.
With any move there is always a lot of moving pieces and you should plan for 3 – 4 weeks to get all of your ducks in a row. If you don’t have the luxury of time, don’t worry, you won’t be the last person to move with little to no prep time.
There are many reasons why you may need to move in a hurry, you may have been told by a landlord that they are selling the building you’re in, or maybe you have an opportunity to move into your dream home, only the clock is ticking on your current lease. We’ve put together some of the best ways that you can prepare for a move like this. Read on to learn more…
1. Start with the truck
There will be a lot that you have to get organised in a very short time. It is best to start off with the truck. After all, you’re going to need this in order to get your possessions from your old home to your new one.
2. Hire the professionals
You will want some help from a team of experienced and professional movers. They will be able to make the whole process of moving house in a hurry much more bearable. As they have packed and unpacked people’s possessions many times they will know a few tricks about how to get things done quickly and safely every time. The sooner that you have booked a team of movers to help with the move, the sooner you will start to see that this is not an impossible task.
3. Be decisive
If you don’t need something, then get rid of it. A lot of people make the mistake of moving with far too many possessions for them to just sit in a box when they get to their new home. Not only does this mean that you have spent time, energy and money moving something that didn’t need to be moved, you also now have taken up storage space in your new home that could have been used for something else.
Moving can be a great time to sort through your things and get rid of the items you don’t want or need. As you’re moving in a hurry, you’re going to have to make these decisions quickly.
4. Pack a small bag with essentials
You’re not going to want to unpack all of your things the moment that you get to your new home. In fact, you’re probably going to want to just sit down and watch some TV. Many people forget that the first night in a new place they’re going to need a few things like toiletries, food, cups, cooking utensils and maybe a few toys for any children you have. You want these things to be ready and easy to find, not buried in the bottom of a box. For this reason, you should take a few minutes to pack a bag with some items that you’re going to need for the first few days in your new home. Think carefully and make sure that you don’t miss anything.
5. Get some help
Even though you have a team of movers taking care of the majority of the move, you may need the help of friends or family during your hectic move. It could be something as simple as picking the kids up from school, or watching them for a few hours so that you can pack as efficiently as possible.