The holiday season is less than month away which means many people are starting to shop for gifts, cards, and other treats for the yuletide season. For packages must be shipped, the sooner you send them, the better. Most mailing and courier companies have guaranteed deadline dates when they can deliver your parcel before the holidays, but as their workload gets busier, that timeframe gets longer. If you want your gifts to get to their recipient on time, it is important to prepare in advance.
When shipping your items, you should have the right packaging supplies and materials to pack your products, so they don’t get broken, damaged, or lost during transit. These tips will help you secure your presents, so they will arrive at their destination safely.
1. Right Size Box
Boxes that are too big allows too much movement inside to occur, which can cause damage to the outer crate and you presents. Cardboard that is too small will not hold or protect your merchandise. Finding the right size carton to hold your gifts.
2. Proper Packaging Tape
Not all tape is made the same. Scotch tape and masking tape are too flimsy and duct tape is not allowed by most mailing places. Authentic packing tape should be used to seal your receptacle. It is durable and designed to secure the openings, so they won’t break apart during transit.
3. Tape Your Flaps Shut
Professional packers use what is commonly known as the ‘H tape formation’ when sealing a crate for transportation. The middle crease and two end openings are completely taped off, so the non-joined areas cannot rip, tear, or get caught on anything and the box cannot open. To protect your items, follow the lead of the pro’s and securely tape all open areas on the top and bottom of your carton.
4. Box in a Box Method
If you are sending something that is very fragile, a great way to protect if from harm is to use the box in a box method. Wrap the item in a fitted crate, then place the present in a bigger receptacle for safer keeping. Add packing material around the inside of the larger bin to further insulate the smaller parcel from rough movement.
5. Remove Old Labels
In our environmentally conscious society, many people are opting to reuse old boxes rather than throw them away or spend money on buying new packing materials. If you are a recycling savvy mailer, make sure all old labels are removed from the carton before shipping it off. Delivery companies might send your package to the wrong place if the destination address is not clearly labeled.
6. Stuff It
No matter how well you can pack a parcel, there will probably be excess space in the crate. To prevent the presents from moving around inside their packaging, stuffing materials can be used to fill empty spacing and add further insulation to your parcel. Newspapers, shredded documents, plastic bags, and Styrofoam popcorn are great fillers. They are also light weight, so they will not add to your shipping costs.
7. Get Insured
Pricier mailouts should be insured to protect you from damage or loss. Insurance can cover the cost if the item is marred or misplaced during transport. Insured cartons are also easier to track so you can locate it if it does not reach the right destination.
Christmas is a busy time of year for sending parcels to out-of-town loved ones. If you are mailing gifts to distant relations, packaging and labelling your materials properly will help ensure the presents get to the right people in one piece.