There will come a time when you will have to consider helping your parents move into a retirement home. But what if they refuse to move? Here are 9 reasons why your parents might not want to move into a retirement home, and what you can do about it.
1. They say they are doing fine living on their own
Your parents might be saying that they are doing just fine living on their own in their house. Maybe they are right, but if they are wrong, gently remind them that you are worried about them and about their safety.
2. They say they don’t need help
Maybe your parents think that retirement homes are for seniors who need help to bathe, to get dressed, and to take their medication. In fact, most retirement homes offer assisted living for those who need help, and independent living for those who just want to enjoy life without any daily chores.
3. They are afraid to lose their independence
If your parents are afraid to lose their independence after moving into a retirement home, tell them it will only mean they won’t have to worry about cooking, cleaning their home, and maintaining their yard anymore. They will be able to enjoy more freedom.
4. They want to stay in control of their daily lives
Maybe you will need to reassure your parents by telling them that they will be able to choose what they want to do with their time. Their retirement home will offer them a variety of activities, but they will stay in control of their schedule.
5. They think they can’t afford it
Many people don’t want to move into a retirement home simply because they think they can’t afford it. Actually, it often costs as much, or a bit less, than living in their home. Do some research with your parents to show them affordable options.
6. They don’t want to be surrounded by old people
If your parents tell you they don’t want to live in a place where they will be surrounded by old people, tell them many of their retirement home neighbours will be the same age as them, and as active as they are.
7. They think retirement homes are boring
Many people think retirement homes are boring, and that residents have nothing to do but sit in rocking chairs all day long. This is far from the truth, as many retirement homes are dynamic communities where residents can take part in many daily activities.
8. They say they are not ready yet
If your parents tell you they are not ready to move yet, don’t just wait for them to tell you they are ready. Tell them the only way to feel ready is to slowly start preparing themselves for the big move, and help them get there.
9. They are afraid everyone will forget them
Unfortunately, many seniors suffer from loneliness. Maybe your parents are afraid that everyone will forget about them once they have moved into their retirement home. Remind them they will have many opportunities to make new friends, and keep your promise to visit them regularly.